Friday, January 3, 2020

Panda Dome 20.00 for Windows Offline Installer

Free Antivirus Panda Dome Free 20.00 for Windows Offline Installer

Panda Dome –
Panda Antivirus protects your PC, tablet and smartphone against all sorts of new malware, including ransomware. Make your digital life easier with Panda Security. 
Panda Dome Free Antivirus is cloud-based antivirus application designed to protect you without wasting resources. It is extremely light as all the work is done in the cloud. Panda Free Antivirus provides you with the fastest protection against the newest viruses thanks to its cloud-scanning from Panda servers. Panda Dome Free Antivirus Features, example community-based firewall (pro edition only), new cloud-based disinfection engine and new behavioral analysis engine in the free edition.

Direct Link DownloaPanda Dome Free 20.00 :
Panda Dome  20.00 Free for Windows | exe | 68.6 MB

Search page itself will show the “I’m not a robot” CAPTCHA message on certain circumstances when you enter the query and hit search button. You will be asked to prove you are a human by selecting the checkbox or selecting images based on the given hint.

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Cara Kerja dan Struktur Transistor Tipe NPN

Bantu kami Subscribe +10000 : Dalam vidoe kali ini akan membahas tentang bagaimana Cara Kerja dan Struktur Transistor Tipe NPN. Transistor adalah sebuah komponen elektronika yang digunakan untuk penguat, sebagai sirkuit pemutus, sebagai penyambung, sebagai stabilitas tegangan, modulasi sinyal dan lain-lain. Cara kerja transistor NPN adalah sebagai berikut: ketika saklar dihubungkan maka arus listrik utama akan mengalir dari positif baterai melewati beban (lampu) dan ke kaki Collector, arus terhenti di kaki Collector karena transistor belum aktif (belum mendapatkan arus pemicu), karena beban atau lampu belum mendapatkan massa maka lampu masih mati. Tema terkait dengan transistor : transistor sebagai sakelar belajar tentang transistor cara mengukur transistor rangkaian transistor cara kerja transistor npn mengetahui cara kerja transistor cara kerja transistor keramik animasi cara kerja transistor cara kerja transistor IT Channel Indonesia (ICI) merupakan sebuah channel asli indonesia yang menyuguhkan beragam informasi teknologi yang berisi berita, teknologi terbaru, donwload, aplikasi, software, cara-cara, mikrokontroler, pemrograman, android, jaringan, tutorial, tip dan trik dan masih banyak lagi untuk menambah sekaligus berbagai pengetahuan dan pembelajaran bagi masyarakat di Indonesia. #transistor #itchannel #transistornpn Terimakasih atas Dukungan selama ini dan Semoga bermanfaat. Jangan lupa like komen dan subscribe ya :-) Punya saran? yuk email kami sekarang juga.

WinRAR 5.70 for Windows 64-bit Full Version

WinRAR v5.71 32 bit and 64 bit Crack License Key Full Version

Winrar is a software that is usually used to extract rar, iso, tgz and other files. Not only extracting this software can also be used to compress files to be more concise. This software can run on Linux, Windows, MacOS and Android operating systems. WinRAR version 5.70 has some interesting features, including making your archive smaller than its original size so that it can save storage, WinRAR provides complete support for RAR and ZIP archives and is able to unpack CAB, ARJ, LZH, TAR, GZ, ACE, UUE, BZ2, JAR, ISO, 7Z, Z and many more.

Direct Link Download WinRAR v5.70 :

How To Install :
  1. Turn off Internet & Antivirus Connection.
  2. Next, run the Installer file named "winrar-x64-570.exe".
  3. Click "Install" and wait until the Installation process is complete.
  4. When finished, extracl and open the "JAMU" folder, then run the file.
  5. In the "JAMU" application, enter your name, then click "Generate", then save the file in a folder that you can remember easily.
  6. Copy the "rarreg.key" file that you saved earlier, then paste it in the "WinRAR" Installation Folder Directory. Example: C:\Program Files\WinRAR
  7. Done.

Search page itself will show the “I’m not a robot” CAPTCHA message on certain circumstances when you enter the query and hit search button. You will be asked to prove you are a human by selecting the checkbox or selecting images based on the given hint.

WinRAR 5.71 for Windows 32-bit Full Version

WinRAR v5.71 32 bit and 64 bit Crack License Key Full Version

Winrar is a software that is usually used to extract rar, iso, tgz and other files. Not only extracting this software can also be used to compress files to be more concise. This software can run on Linux, Windows, MacOS and Android operating systems. WinRAR version 5.71 has some interesting features, including making your archive smaller than its original size so that it can save storage, WinRAR provides complete support for RAR and ZIP archives and is able to unpack CAB, ARJ, LZH, TAR, GZ, ACE, UUE, BZ2, JAR, ISO, 7Z, Z and many more.

Direct Link Download WinRAR :

How To Install :
  1. Turn off Internet & Antivirus Connection.
  2. Next, run the Installer file named "wrar571.exe" or "winrar-x64-571.exe".
  3. Click "Install" and wait until the Installation process is complete.
  4. When finished, extracl and open the "JAMU" folder, then run the file.
  5. In the "JAMU" application, enter your name, then click "Generate", then save the file in a folder that you can remember easily.
  6. Copy the "rarreg.key" file that you saved earlier, then paste it in the "WinRAR" Installation Folder Directory. Example: C:\Program Files\WinRAR
  7. Done.

Search page itself will show the “I’m not a robot” CAPTCHA message on certain circumstances when you enter the query and hit search button. You will be asked to prove you are a human by selecting the checkbox or selecting images based on the given hint.

Tuesday, December 31, 2019

CCleaner 5.59 Plus Crack Full Version

CCleaner 5.59 Plus Crack Full Version

CCleaner developed by Piriform, a company acquired by Avast in 2017, is a computer utility program used to clean potentially unwanted files (including temporary internet files, where malicious programs and code tend to reside) and invalid Windows Registry entries from a computer, originally supporting Microsoft Windows only. It is one of the longest-established system cleaners, first launched in 2004.

Direct Link DownloaCCleaner :
CCleaner 5.59 - Download

How To Install :
  1. First download the CCleaner Installer above
  2. Also download the All Patch CCleaner
  3. Install CCleaner until complete (do not open after completion)
  4. Open the All Patch CCleaner, and select the Patch you want to use (Bussiness / Professional)
  5. Run the patch (Next - Next - Next - Finish)
  6. Cover Patch
  7. Restart PC / Laptop (To Be Safer even though there is no command to restart)
  8. Finish

Search page itself will show the “I’m not a robot” CAPTCHA message on certain circumstances when you enter the query and hit search button. You will be asked to prove you are a human by selecting the checkbox or selecting images based on the given hint.

Cara Menghitung atau Membaca Nilai Hambatan Resistor Berdasarkan Warna Pita Atau Gelang

Bantu kami Subscribe +10000 : Kode warna Resistor merupakan sebuah nilai resistansi yang ada pada resistor ditentukan oleh kode-kode warna yang terdapat pada badan resistor tersebut. Jumlah gelang warna yang ada pada badan resistor pada umumnya yang beredar dipasaran adalah berjumlah empat warna dan lima warna, namun pada jenis resistor tertentu terdapat 6 warna. Di aIndonesia, biasanya resistor dengan jenis film karbon memiliki 4 warna dan memiliki toleransi kisaran 10%, sedangkan resistor untuk jenis film metal memiliki 5 warna dan memiliki toleransi antara 1% hingga 5%. Tema terkait dengan bagaimana cara menghitung nilai resistor : cara menghitung warna resistor/tahanan belajar membaca kode resistor cara mudah menghitung nilai resistor Menghitung nilai resistor Cara menghitung nilai resistor cara cepat menghitung nilai resistor cara cepat hitung nilai resistor cara cepat menghitung resistor cara cepat menghitung hambatan resistor trik menghitung hambatan resistor hitung cepat nilai hambatan resistor cara gampang menghitung nilai resistor cara gampang hitung resistor cara hitung resistor hitung hambatan resistor nilai tahanan resistor IT Channel Indonesia (ICI) merupakan sebuah channel asli indonesia yang menyuguhkan beragam informasi teknologi yang berisi berita, teknologi terbaru, donwload, aplikasi, software, cara-cara, mikrokontroler, pemrograman, android, jaringan, tutorial, tip dan trik dan masih banyak lagi untuk menambah sekaligus berbagai pengetahuan dan pembelajaran bagi masyarakat di Indonesia. #resistor #tahanan #kodewarna Terimakasih atas Dukungan selama ini dan Semoga bermanfaat. Jangan lupa like komen dan subscribe ya :-) Punya saran? yuk email kami sekarang juga.

PDAnet+ Version 5.21 For PC All Windows Full Version

PDAnet+ Version 5.21 For PC All Windows Full Version

PdaNet+ is one of the top Android applications of all time. PdaNet+ shares the Internet access of your Android phone with your computer or tablet. PdaNet+ works on all Android phones without rooting. It also does not require a tether plan, that will save you $20/month from most carriers.
PdaNet+ supports connection using WiFi, USB Tether or Bluetooth DUN. There is no speed limit in PdaNet+.

Direct Link Download PDAnet+ Version 5.21  :
PDAnet+ Version 5.21  For PC Windows
PdaNet+ v5.22 APK Android

PDAnet installation and connection guide Via USB Mode:
  1. Install the PdaNET Application on PC and on Android.
  2. After installing, please plug your Android into PC using USB cable.
  3. After that open the PdaNET on Android then check the "Activate USB Mode" Section
  4. Install the PdaNET Application on PC and on Android.
  5. After being installed please plug in your Android to PC using a USB cable,
  6. After that open the PdaNET on Android then check the "Activate USB Mode" Section
  7. If successful then PdaNET will appear internet icon on the taskbar
Guide to ShareWiFi Hotspot:
  1. First you right-click the PdaNET application on PC
  2. Next Fill in the Network name with the name WiFi, and Password with WiFi Password
  3. After that click Activate (if an error appears) This means you have to change the Network name and Try not to use Space

Search page itself will show the “I’m not a robot” CAPTCHA message on certain circumstances when you enter the query and hit search button. You will be asked to prove you are a human by selecting the checkbox or selecting images based on the given hint.

Yuk Ingat Kembali Evolusi dan Perkembangan Komputer Lengkap dari Generasi Pertama Sampai Sekarang

Bantu kami Subscribe +10000 : Teknologi merupakan sebuah hal yang tidak lepas dari sebuah kehidupan. Karena perkembangan sebuah teknologi dapat membantu dalam menyelesaikan semua pekerjaan secara cepat dan mudah. Misal saja sebuah komputer yang telah ada sejak dahulu yang menjadi sebuah kunci membuka peradaban baru di dunia. Jauh sebelum komputer masuk ke Indonesia, negara-negara barat sudah lebih dulu mengenalnya. Awalnya komputer digunakan sebagai alat hitung atau untuk hal-hal yang berhubungan dengan aritmatika. Bentuk komputer pada awalnya juga tidak secanggih seperti yang ada sekarang. Awal mula dari munculnya komputer adalah pemecahan masalah yang harus dihadapi oleh para ilmuwan. Pada tahapan awal ini terbagi menjadi tiga bagian yaitu prekursor komputer yang nantinya memunculkan komputer pertama di dunia. Kemudian setelah mesin pertama muncul, komputer belum dikembangkan secara besar-besaran. Namun kebiasaan orang yang menggunakan mesin kalkulator digital adalah pengembangan yang sesungguhnya. Tema terkait dengan sejarah komputer dan perkembangannya : sejarah komputer dari generasi ke generasi sejarah komputer generasi 1-5 sejarah komputer lengkap sejarah komputer animasi sejarah komputer pertama sejarah komputer singkat perkembangan komputer dari dulu hingga sekarang perkembangan komputer dari generasi pertama sampai sekarang komputer jaman dulu sampai sekarang sejarah komputer pertama sejarah perkembangan komputer sejarah komputer generasi pertama sejarah komputer dari generasi ke generasi sejarah komputer dari dulu hingga sekarang IT Channel Indonesia (ICI) merupakan sebuah channel asli indonesia yang menyuguhkan beragam informasi teknologi yang berisi berita, teknologi terbaru, donwload, aplikasi, software, cara-cara, mikrokontroler, pemrograman, android, jaringan, tutorial, tip dan trik dan masih banyak lagi untuk menambah sekaligus berbagai pengetahuan dan pembelajaran bagi masyarakat di Indonesia. #sejarah #komputer #lengkap Terimakasih atas Dukungan selama ini dan Semoga bermanfaat. Jangan lupa like komen dan subscribe ya :-) Punya saran? yuk email kami sekarang juga.

Monday, December 30, 2019

PdaNet+ v4.19 APK Free Download for Android

PdaNet+ v4.19 APK Free Download for Android

PdaNet+ is one of the top Android applications of all time. PdaNet+ shares the Internet access of your Android phone with your computer or tablet. PdaNet+ works on all Android phones without rooting.
PdaNet+ supports connection using WiFi, USB Tether or Bluetooth DUN. There is no speed limit in PdaNet+.

Direct Link DownloaPDAnet+ v4.19  :
PdaNet+ v4.19 APK Android
PDAnet+ v4.19 For PC Windows

PDAnet installation and connection guide Via USB Mode:
  1. Install the PdaNET Application on PC and on Android.
  2. After installing, please plug your Android into PC using USB cable.
  3. After that open the PdaNET on Android then check the "Activate USB Mode" Section
  4. Install the PdaNET Application on PC and on Android.
  5. After being installed please plug in your Android to PC using a USB cable,
  6. After that open the PdaNET on Android then check the "Activate USB Mode" Section
  7. If successful then PdaNET will appear internet icon on the taskbar
Guide to ShareWiFi Hotspot:
  1. First you right-click the PdaNET application on PC
  2. Next Fill in the Network name with the name WiFi, and Password with WiFi Password
  3. After that click Activate (if an error appears) This means you have to change the Network name and Try not to use Space

Search page itself will show the “I’m not a robot” CAPTCHA message on certain circumstances when you enter the query and hit search button. You will be asked to prove you are a human by selecting the checkbox or selecting images based on the given hint.

Comodo IceDragon 79.0.3945.79 for Windows Offline Installer

Comodo IceDragon 79.0.3945.79 for Windows Offline Installer
Comodo Dragon Official Site –
Comodo Dragon is a freeware web browser. It is based on Chromium and is produced by Comodo Group. Sporting a similar interface to Google Chrome, Dragon does not implement Chrome's user tracking and some other potentially privacy-compromising features, replacing them with its own user tracking implementations, and provides additional security measures, such as indicating the authenticity and relative strength of a website's Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) certificate.

Key Features : 

  • Google user tracking
  • Automatic access to Google Search on startup for users with Google as default search engine
  • Google-hosted error pages when a server is not present
  • Automatic address bar search suggestions
  • Bug tracking system, which sends information about crashes or errors
  • Built-in PDF viewer and Adobe Flash Player which is sandboxed
  • Google Native Client (NaCl) support
  • H.264 codec
  • Google Safe Browsing which blocks malicious and phishing sites
  • Google Docs, Sheets, and Slides which open various document and spreadsheet formats
  • Google Translate, which automatically translates webpages in foreign languages

Direct Link Downloa
Comodo Dragon 79.0.3945.79 :
Comodo Dragon 79.0.3945.79 Free for Windows 7, 8, 8.1, 10 x86
Comodo Dragon 79.0.3945.79 Free for Windows 7, 8, 8.1, 10 x64
Comodo Dragon Free for Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7

Search page itself will show the “I’m not a robot” CAPTCHA message on certain circumstances when you enter the query and hit search button. You will be asked to prove you are a human by selecting the checkbox or selecting images based on the given hint.

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